Singing Guide: Walter Slezak

Singing Guide: Walter Slezak

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Walter Slezak was an Austrian actor from Vienna who migrated to the US in 1930s. He was active in both film and theater. Slezak had a unique voice that added depth and personality to his characters. His voice was characterized by a deep and gravelly timbre, with added resonance, which he used to powerful effect in his performances. His signature singing style was inspired by his opera-singer father and is best displayed in his portrayal of Grandpa Vanderhof in the film "You Can't Take It with You." In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Walter Slezak, highlighting his unique vocal technique and showcasing some of his best performances.

  • Slezak's voice was characterized by a deep, full-bodied resonance, which was created by using a relaxed diaphragm and proper breath control.
  • To develop this technique, one should focus on exercises that build diaphragmatic strength and control, such as the Farinelli breathing exercise.
  • Another important aspect of Slezak's singing style was his attention to articulation. He sang with nuance and clarity, making sure to enunciate his words clearly and precisely. To improve your articulation, try the Finger Bite exercise.
  • Slezak also used twang and chest voice to achieve his signature sound.
  • To learn these techniques, you can try the Twang Exercise and the Chest Voice Explained videos.

One of Slezak's most famous performances was in the film "You Can't Take It with You," in which he played the role of Grandpa Vanderhof, a kind-hearted man who sings "The Undecideds" with his family. This song showcases Slezak's unique vocal styling, with his deep and powerful voice providing a rich and resonant accompaniment to the other voices.

Another example of Slezak's singing can be found in the film "Lifeboat," in which he plays the German U-boat captain who sings "The Watch on the Rhine." This song highlights Slezak's ability to sing with intensity, while also showcasing his ability to bring depth and soulfulness to a performance.

Pitch Accuracy Test:
Vocal Pitch Monitor:
Vocal Range Test:
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Educational Singing Course:
Breath Support :
Voice Registers & Vocal Break :
How posture affects your singing:
Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking:
Vocal health:
Tips for performing on stage:

By following the techniques and tips outlined in this article, as well as utilizing the resources available on Singing Carrots, you can learn to sing like Walter Slezak and develop a deeper, more resonant voice that will help you stand out in any performance.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.